Travel Health

a large passenger jet flying through a cloudy blue sky

Travelling Abroad?

If you require travel vaccinations or travel advice, please submit an online consultation via our surgery website. The Nursing team will review and get back to you.

If you need vaccinations or medication for travel urgently, you may need to contact;

  • a private travel vaccination clinic
  • a pharmacy offering travel healthcare services

You may be charged for travel vaccinations and medication. Antimalarial medication is available over-the-counter from pharmacies.

Please note that we are no longer a Yellow Fever vaccination centre, and cannot offer this vaccination in surgery.

Vaccines need time to take effect, and some may require a course over several weeks. Please make sure you arrange your vaccinations in plenty of time before you travel.

If you would like a copy of your immunisation history, please contact our reception team who can print this out for you.

a sign on a pole next to a palm tree

Travel Information

NHS.UK for information on travel vaccinations

NHS.UK for healthcare abroad

GOV.UK for specific country travel advice

FITFORTRAVEL.NHS.UK for information on staying safe and healthy abroad

NATHNACYFZONE.ORG.UK for information on Yellow Fever

NATHNAC.NET for further travel information

BHF.ORG.UK for information on travel with a heart condition

ASTHMAANDLUNG.ORG.UK for information on travelling safely with a lung condition

DIABETES.ORG.UK for information on travelling with diabetes

Diazepam for Fear of Flying

We sometimes get patients asking us to prescribe diazepam for fear of flying. There are a number of very good reasons why prescribing this drug is not recommended and we cannot prescribe for flying;

  • Diazepam is a sedative, which means it makes you sleepy and more relaxed. If there is an emergency during the flight it may impair your ability to concentrate, follow instructions and react to the situation. This could have serious safety consequences for you and those around you.
  • Sedative drugs can make you fall asleep, however when you do sleep it is an unnatural non-REM sleep. This means you won’t move around as much as during natural sleep. This can cause you to be at increased risk of developing a blood clot (DVT) in the leg or even the lung. Blood clots are very dangerous and can even prove fatal. This risk is even greater if your flight is longer than 4 hours.
  • Whilst most people find benzodiazepines like diazepam sedating, a small number have paradoxical agitation and increased aggression. They can also cause disinhibition and lead you to behave in a way that you would not normally. This could impact on your safety as well as that of other passengers and could also get you into trouble with the law.
  • According to the prescribing guidelines doctors follow (BNF), Benzodiazepines are contraindicated (not allowed) in treating phobia. Your doctor would be taking a significant legal risk by prescribing against these guidelines. They are only licensed short term for a crisis in generalised anxiety. If this is the case, you should be getting proper care and support for your mental health and not going on a flight.
  • Diazepam and similar drugs are illegal in a number of countries. They may be confiscated, or you may find yourself in trouble with the police.
  • Diazepam stays in your system for quite a while. If your job requires you to submit to random drug testing, you may fail this having taken diazepam.

We appreciate that fear of flying is very real and very frightening. A much better approach is to tackle this properly with a Fear of Flying course run by the airlines. We have listed a number of these below;


An airplane with seated passanger watching screens and staff delivering drinks